Updates for COVID-19

Here, Open, and Ready to Help

OPEN! By appointment as of April 22, 2020:
Showroom Hours 10-7 M-Thurs, 10-6 F, 10-5 Sat | Service Hours 8-6 M-F, 8-4 Sat
Please Call 708-444-3200.

Neighbors, friends, family,

With everything that’s going on, I want to share a few words about our trying times in general, and then about what we at the dealership can do for you.

First, crises like these can bring out our worst, but they don’t have to. Instead, they can help us reflect and grow. They can be times to pray. They can remind us what matters most. They can even bring us closer, despite the distance they might require. So, let’s work together to stay positive and keep our faith. Let’s overcome. Let’s listen to authorities and take time to check on family, friends, and any elderly in need of a good samaritan. More than anything though, let’s believe in ourselves and each other.

In that vein, we believe everyone has some way to help, and, since we know you’re staying in to work and take care of the family, we think we know how to start.

Let us pick up your car free of charge, and take the time we have to give it any maintenance it may need. Then, when we’re done, and to ensure your continued health, we can SUPER sanitize your vehicle’s full interior, vents included, and complete the whole maintenance transaction over the phone.

If you’re interested or have any questions, just call us here at the dealership (708-444-3200), and remember there will be NO additional fees for the pickup or delivery…just leave the keys in your car.

God Bless,

Eric Vates
